
Is The American Dream Still Possible?

Isaac Horton Isaac Horton Follow Mar 14, 2023 · 5 mins read
Is The American Dream Still Possible?
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As an economist, I have long studied the structures of economic systems and the ways they shape the distribution of wealth and resources in society. And what I have come to realize is that these systems are simply designs, created by humans to facilitate the exchange of goods and services. And just like any other design, they can be improved upon.

One of the most dominant economic systems in the world today is capitalism. It is a system that operates on the principle of private ownership of the means of production and the accumulation of capital through the exploitation of labor. It is a system that has been hailed as the engine of economic growth and progress, but it has also been criticized for its tendency to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few.

A new way of doing things?

But what if we could create a new economic system that is more equitable, more efficient, and more beneficial to society as a whole? And what if we could use AI to help us design and implement this system?

One of the key features of this new system would be the elimination of taxes on the poor. This is because taxes are a regressive form of wealth distribution that disproportionately affects those who are already struggling to make ends meet. Instead, we could design a system that uses progressive taxation, where those who have more wealth and resources contribute more to the common good.

Fundamental change is necessary.

But the distribution of wealth is not just about taxes. It is also about the structure of money exchange itself. Currently, money is exchanged in a way that often favors those who are already wealthy. But we could design a new system that incentivizes the accumulation of wealth for the average person, while also encouraging investment in social and environmental progress.

One way to do this would be to create a system where wealth is distributed more evenly across society. This could be achieved through a number of different mechanisms, such as a universal basic income or a more progressive system of inheritance taxes.

Another way to build wealth for the average person would be to create a system that rewards socially and environmentally responsible behavior. This could be achieved through a system of incentives, where individuals and businesses are rewarded for investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and other forms of environmentally friendly development.

Ultimately, the goal of this new economic system would be to create a more just and equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. And with the help of AI, we can design and implement this system in a way that is both efficient and effective.

Of course, there are many challenges to creating such a system. We will need to think carefully about the trade-offs involved in different design choices, and we will need to engage in extensive experimentation and testing to ensure that our new system is truly effective.

But with the right approach and the right tools, we can build an economic system that is more secure, more beneficial to society as a whole, and has the end result of actually lifting more people out of poverty and into prosperity. And that is a goal worth striving for and fundamentally is the basis for “The American Dream”.

“Look…, up in the sky!.. its a bird!.. Its a plane.. It’s Superman?”

Throughout history, there have been countless individuals who have envisioned a better world and dedicated their lives to realizing this vision. From utopian socialists to revolutionary thinkers, many have sought to build a society that is more just, more equitable, and more prosperous for all.

One such thinker was Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher whose ideas continue to influence and inspire to this day. Nietzsche’s vision of a better world was rooted in his concept of the Übermensch, or the “Superman.” According to Nietzsche, the Übermensch is a human being who has transcended the limitations of conventional morality and achieved a state of self-mastery and individual excellence.

For Nietzsche, the key to building a better society was to cultivate a culture that valued individual achievement and progress above all else. He believed that this could only be achieved through a radical transformation of our current values and social structures, which he saw as holding us back from realizing our full potential.

In the context of economics, Nietzsche’s Übermensch philosophy can be seen as a call for a system that is focused on and invested in progress through individual merit. Rather than relying on traditional hierarchies or inherited wealth to determine success, this system would reward individuals who have demonstrated exceptional skill, talent, and dedication.

The Art of Being Human

At its core, this system would be built on a foundation of individualism and self-mastery. Individuals would be encouraged to pursue their passions and talents, and would be provided with the resources and support they need to succeed. This would create a culture of innovation and progress, where new ideas and technologies are constantly being developed and refined.

Of course, building such a system would not be easy. It would require a radical shift in our current values and social structures, and would likely face resistance from those who benefit from the current system. But with the right approach and the right tools, it is possible to build an economic system that is more just, more equitable, and more focused on progress through individual merit.

The vision of a better world has been with us for centuries, and the Übermensch philosophy of Nietzsche is just one example of the many thinkers who have dedicated their lives to building a society that is more just and more prosperous for all. By embracing individualism and self-mastery, and by building a system that rewards progress through individual merit, we can create a society that is truly worthy of the name Übermensch.

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Isaac Horton
Written by Isaac Horton Follow
Isaac Horton is the passionate writer and creator of The Incident. He has a strong dedication to free speech, exposing corruption, and investigative journalism. With a deep desire to uncover the truth behind the workings of the powerful, Isaac is committed to exposing corrupt schemes and disarming propaganda machinery.