
The Tax System Could Be Redesigned?

Isaac Horton Isaac Horton Follow Mar 04, 2023 · 2 mins read
The Tax System Could Be Redesigned?
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It’s no secret that the current tax system in the United States is broken. With a growing wealth gap and a shrinking middle class, it’s clear that our current system is not working for everyone. But what if we could rebuild the tax system from the ground up, using the latest technology and the best minds in economics to create a system that benefits everyone, especially the most vulnerable among us?

That’s the idea behind a new proposal to use AI and the world’s top economists to design a tax system that promotes prosperity for all US citizens. At the heart of this proposal is the idea of eliminating taxes for the poor, and creating state-sponsored programs that provide housing and job training to help lift people out of poverty.

One of the key components of this proposal is a state-sponsored housebuilding program that would provide homes to those who are currently homeless or living in poverty. By providing housing, we can give people a stable foundation from which to build their lives, and help them to become more self-sufficient and financially stable over time.

In addition to housing, this proposal would also create a jobs program that employs the disenfranchised and gets people off the streets. This program would focus on actually building things, such as infrastructure, schools, and other community resources. By providing training and education, we can equip people with the skills they need to succeed in these jobs, and give them a sense of purpose and meaning.

One of the key benefits of these programs is that they would have a measurable impact on the country’s GDP. By investing in housing and infrastructure, we can create jobs and stimulate economic growth, while also improving the quality of life for everyone. And by investing in education and job training, we can create a more skilled and productive workforce, which will help to drive innovation and growth in the years to come.

But perhaps the most important benefit of this proposal is the sense of community it would create. By investing in programs that help the most vulnerable among us, we can create a sense of shared purpose and responsibility that can help to rebuild the American Dream. With AI and the world’s top economists at our disposal, we have the tools and the expertise we need to create a tax system that promotes prosperity and well-being for all. The time to act is now.

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Isaac Horton
Written by Isaac Horton Follow
Isaac Horton is the passionate writer and creator of The Incident. He has a strong dedication to free speech, exposing corruption, and investigative journalism. With a deep desire to uncover the truth behind the workings of the powerful, Isaac is committed to exposing corrupt schemes and disarming propaganda machinery.