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The Truth About Gain of Function Research

Isaac Horton Isaac Horton Follow Mar 12, 2023 · 7 mins read
The Truth About Gain of Function Research
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Gain of function research is a type of scientific study where researchers manipulate microorganisms such as viruses and bacteria to make them stronger and more infectious. This type of research is highly controversial because it has the potential to create pandemics by accident or intention. The research is often conducted in high-security laboratories, and the risk of accidental release is always present.

What’s in the Fauci Files?

The controversy centers around Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). It has been alleged that Dr. Fauci was involved in funding gain of function research in Wuhan, China, which is believed to be the source of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new documents released and obscured funding mechanisms show a clear conflict of interest. We now know that gain of function has been and still is ongoing.

Dr. Fauci has been a vocal advocate of gain of function research for many years. He has argued that this type of research is necessary to understand how viruses and other microorganisms work and to develop vaccines and treatments for diseases. However, his involvement in the funding of gain of function research in Wuhan has raised concerns about his judgment and ethics.

The Twitter Files: Exposing Fauci’s Involvement

The Twitter files are a series of leaked documents that show Dr. Fauci’s involvement in the funding of gain of function research in Wuhan. The documents suggest that Dr. Fauci and other officials knew about the risks associated with this type of research but chose to fund it anyway. The Twitter files have been widely shared on social media, and they have sparked a heated debate but strangely after the suggestion of the Fauci Files, they have yet to manifest.

Fauci’s Testimony to Congress on Gain of Function Research

Dr. Fauci has testified before Congress about his role in gain of function research. In his testimony, he denied any involvement in funding gain of function research in Wuhan. He also argued that gain of function research is necessary to understand and combat deadly diseases. However, the reality that research his agency funded might be responsible for millions of deaths would mean that he could be tried for crimes against humanity and it’s more than likely that would affect someones testimony. Nobody wants to go prison.

This is a sign of something bigger, the foot

The Role of Pfizer in Gain of Function Research

Pfizer, one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, has also been implicated in the controversy surrounding gain of function research. It has been alleged that Pfizer was involved in the development of a variation of gain of function research called Directed Evolution. This type of research involves the manipulation of genes to create new and more powerful microorganisms.

Market Manipulation and Massive Profits off of the Pandemic

There is evidence to suggest that some companies, including Pfizer, have profited massively from the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has created a huge demand for vaccines and treatments, and some companies have been accused of price gouging and market manipulation. This has led to concerns about the ethics of pharmaceutical companies and their involvement in gain of function research.

Evidence of Pfizer Employee Jordan Trishtan Walker and How That Implicates Pfizer as Working on a Variation of Gain of Function Research Called Directed Evolution

Jordan Trishtan Walker is a Pfizer employee who has been linked to the development of Directed Evolution. Walker’s LinkedIn profile describes him as a “research scientist” and lists his areas of expertise as “viral evolution” and “molecular biology.” His profile also includes a list of patents related to the manipulation of genes. While the video was not widely circulated except on twitter, millions of people saw the video of JTW admitting on secret camera to have knowledge of Pfizer conducting “Directed Evolution”, a form of gain of function on the Covid-19 virus.

Corruption Allegations in Gain of Function Research

The controversy surrounding gain of function research has also raised concerns about corruption in the scientific community. Some researchers have been accused of accepting funding from companies and organizations with an interest in the development of new and more deadly diseases. This has led to disgust from the public desiring for greater transparency and oversight in the field of scientific research.

The Consequences of Gain of Function Research

The consequences of gain of function research can be dire. The manipulation of microorganisms can lead to the creation of new and deadly diseases, which can be difficult or impossible to control. This poses a serious threat to public health and safety. The risk of accidental release of these microorganisms is also a concern, as it could lead to a worldwide pandemic.

The Debate on Gain of Function Research

The debate on gain of function research is ongoing. Supporters argue that it is necessary to understand and combat deadly diseases, while opponents argue that it poses a serious risk to public health and safety. The controversy surrounding Dr. Fauci and the funding of gain of function research in Wuhan has only added fuel to the fire.

Fauci’s Corrupt Connections to the AIDS Crisis

Dr. Fauci has been accused of having corrupt connections to the AIDS crisis and the military. Some researchers believe that he was involved in the development of biological weapons during the Cold War. This has led to concerns about his judgment and ethics, especially in light of his involvement in the funding of gain of function research in Wuhan.

Truth About Gain of Function Research and Anthony Fauci’s Role in the Controversy

The truth about gain of function research is a complex and controversial issue. While supporters argue that it is necessary for scientific progress, opponents argue that it poses a serious risk to public health and safety. The controversy surrounding Dr. Fauci and the funding of gain of function research in Wuhan has only added fuel to the fire. It is clear that greater transparency and oversight are needed in the field of scientific research to ensure that the public is protected from the risks posed by gain of function research.

The issue of gain of function research and its potential risks has been a topic of debate for several years. In 2014, the US government issued a moratorium on gain of function research due to concerns about the potential for accidental release of engineered viruses and the creation of bioweapons.

However, despite the moratorium, gain of function research continued to be conducted, albeit offshore in places like Wuhan. This research was supported by funding from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Anthony Fauci.

Furthermore, it is well-known that Fort Detrick in Maryland has a long history of conducting research on dangerous pathogens, and there have been concerns raised about the potential for bioweapons development. While the US government denies any involvement in bioweapons research, the fact remains that viruses and other pathogens can be used as weapons of war.

When a virus is genetically modified through gain of function research, it becomes a bioweapon. By altering its genetic makeup to make it more contagious or deadly, researchers are essentially creating a weapon that could be used in warfare or terrorism.

It is also worth noting that the military is often involved in the highest levels of new technologies, including virus research. This is because the military has a vested interest in developing weapons that can be used to defend the country and its interests.

If you have any concerns or questions about gain of function research and its potential risks, please reach out to your local representatives and voice your concerns. Your voice matters and can help to ensure that scientific research is conducted in a safe and ethical manner.

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Isaac Horton
Written by Isaac Horton Follow
Isaac Horton is the passionate writer and creator of The Incident. He has a strong dedication to free speech, exposing corruption, and investigative journalism. With a deep desire to uncover the truth behind the workings of the powerful, Isaac is committed to exposing corrupt schemes and disarming propaganda machinery.